Wayne’s New Wheels!

Paul Morton TN Operations Manager joined TN in 2017 with a wealth of experience and a passion to change lives. His ability to instil confidence and focus in graduates is priceless.

A great example is with Wayne, who recently contacted Paul with a ‘dreams do come true story!’Paul is still in touch with Wayne, who after years of offending and unemployment really was desperate to get back into work.At initial assessment he asked him if he had any ambitions and he replied that what he would really like most of all would be to buy his own motorbike!
After over 21 continuous months in employment, Wayne has been back in touch to let me know that he has saved enough money and has finally been able to buy a bike.”

It just shows what hard work and dedication can do. Changing mind sets changes lives!


Hayden Recognised as Team Clipper’s Employee of the Year!


A Truly Winter Warming Note!