Shamas’ Story


Shamas is working at Clipper Logistics plc. He has been at Clipper for over a year and has shown he has a great work ethic and loyalty. He started work whilst still serving his sentence, through the Release on Temporary License Scheme (ROTL). This meant that during the day, he went to work at Clipper and at night he would return to prison.  

Throughout his time on ROTL and even before he was working, Shamas was determined to do well, but he knew that finding a job even without a criminal conviction would be difficult, never mind with one. He was facing an uphill battle until he was introduced to Tempus Novo. He was successful at interview with Tempus Novo and assigned a case worker who then mentored him through the first 6 months of his employment.  

Shamas has proven that his past is exactly that, the past and he has grasped this opportunity so well he’s now been promoted to Training Champion. In his new role, he oversees the training of all new recruits and he has already expressed his love for his new role.

He said: “I love this new role! I have more responsibility and it’s a step up, I would love to go further here at Clipper. The opportunities are there. I can see it. I have seen it happen here, other people have come in and climbed the ranks fast and I know I can do that.” 

He is ambitious and tells us that he plans to get as high as he can at Clipper. He believes the opportunities are there to progress within the company as he sees the way Clipper support everyone regardless of their background. He sees his future at Clipper and believes this is just the start of a wonderful new life. One where he is made to feel worthy, where he has self-respect, structure, purpose and can feel proud of his contribution to society. 


Paul’s Story


Tony’s Story