Hayden Recognised as Team Clipper’s Employee of the Year!

At the close of 2020, Steve and Val received this short but poignant email from one of our trusted partners, Clipper. –

“Hi Both, Hayden has been recognised by myself and the management team to be one of the top performers this year and we have awarded him with gift vouchers to say thank you for his hard work and dedication.”

Regards, Calvin – Calvin Lee| Shift Manager |Clipper Logistics plc, Ollerton, NG22 9LD”

On learning that Hayden went on to be Employee of the Year, a delighted Steve commented,

“Receiving feedback like this from our employers is wonderful. Val and I knew from our many years working in prisons that there was a huge potential workforce there. We just needed to design a model that could be trusted, as working with ex offenders comes with obvious risks. Through excellent relationships with other criminal justice agencies, we have developed a system that gives confidence to both employer and employee.”

It goes to show that hard work and dedication breeds hard work and dedication!


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