Prisons Minister Rory Stewart OBE To Visit

Looking forward to our meeting with the Minister this week, as we seek to persuade him how best he can help grass root charities like Tempus Novo.

Endorsements are all fine and dandy but if he is genuinely serious about rehabilitation by way of employment, then we have a model with 4 years proof of concept, which with a little financial backing from government could revolutionise the rehabilitation of ex-offenders.

100-150 ex-offenders supported in to employment in a 12 month period may not sound like many, until you look at the impact both in terms of savings to the economy :£3M prison costs alone and the positive social outcomes: less victims, less crime and more people in work paying taxes.

Imagine this model replicated around the U.K? Suddenly the 100-150 could be 1000-1500 of which many of these people would be lifted out of inter generational poverty, paving a bright new path for future generations to come.


A Minister with Leadership Qualities


From Purple Futures (CRC) to Brighter Futures