Real Hope: The Evidence From Within

We received this letter from a prisoner serving his sentence in HMP Lindholme, pending his transfer to open conditions.

Sinbad has been in and out of prison all of his life and knows of Tempus Novo from his time in HMP Leeds. Having got to know and understand quite a bit about TN, he now takes it upon himself to spread the word amongst others in prison. We are looking forward to seeing Sinbad on release, recognising his humility and willingness to change. We are confident we can find him suitable sustainable employment for his skills giving him the opportunity to change and be a worthy member of society.

HMP Hatfield,

Thorne Road, 

Doncaster, DN7 6EF

3rd October 2018

Hi Val,

Hope all is well there.  I have been here 5 weeks now and settling in OK.  Say Hi to Steve for me.

I brought one of your information booklets here with me and have had it photocopied and have told most people about your scheme as not many know what it is you do.  If you are in the area you could drop some information booklets off here and I could post them as I am at the Lakes side for another 8 weeks.

I have a difficult job at the moment, but hopefully it won’t be for much longer.  I am on paints and maintenance, but feel my real skills are working with people and helping them.

As I reach my ROTL date I shall be in touch and we can discuss which way to go employment wise for me.

I shall close for now, so all the best and will you say hi to Dave and G for me.

Yours sincerely,


Thanks for carrying our message Sinbad, word of mouth is the most powerful advert! You’re a true TN crusader! This letter demonstrates the power of hope, and is something we are really proud to have created here in Yorkshire.


Tempus Novo Visited by Inside Time


Head of Yorkshire Prisons Group Paul Foweather OBE Backs Rehabilitation