Empowering Service Users Whilst Transforming the Planet

In an era where the environment and social welfare are at the forefront of global concerns, our organisation is doing its bit to make a difference, whilst helping others to do the same.

By supporting ex-offenders in their journey towards employment, we’re not only positively impacting the lives of individuals but also contributing to a sustainable and prosperous future for the planet. With a staggering 851 successful job placements and counting, our employment model is evidence as to the transformative power of second chances.

Read below to discover the impact of our award-winning model!

  1. Social Impact: Our core mission is to break the cycle of reoffending by providing tailored employment support to ex-offenders. By focusing on rehabilitation and integration, we’re helping to make a significant social impact. By helping individuals reintegrate into society through employment, we’re able to reduce crime rates, create safer communities, and improve overall well-being. Ultimately, breaking the cycle of crime is helping to create a safer society for all.

  2. Economic Impact: The economic benefits of our work cannot be overstated. By facilitating the successful reintegration of ex-offenders into the workforce, we’re contributing to economic growth and prosperity. We have provided 851 individuals with opportunities to earn a living, support themselves and their families, and contribute positively to the economy. Through employment, our service users become tax-paying citizens and reduce their reliance on public resources, thereby alleviating the burden on the welfare system. By enabling ex-offenders to become economically self-sufficient, we’re helping to create a more sustainable and resilient economy.

  3. Environmental Impact: Whilst our primary focus is on social and economic transformation, our model also indirectly impacts the environment in a positive way. Reducing reoffending rates helps to alleviate the strain on the criminal justice system, leading to a more efficient utilisation of resources, which can have a significant environmental footprint. By promoting a society that values rehabilitation over incarceration, we’re supporting a more sustainable approach to criminal justice.

  4. Long-Term Sustainability: The work of our team extends beyond immediate job placements. Our dedication to long-term support ensures that individuals have ongoing access to guidance, training, and mentoring, fostering their personal growth and professional development. By nurturing people’s skills and resilience, we’re equipping service users with the tools needed to maintain stable employment and achieve sustainable careers. This approach not only benefits the individuals themselves but also helps to create a long-lasting positive impact on the communities in which they live.

  5. ESG Goals: Moreover, our award-winning model offers significant benefits to the corporates collaborating with us. Companies that integrate sustainability into their core strategy at the highest level will be better placed to reap long term value for the benefit of shareholders and society alike. Employing ex-offenders is a great way for a business to demonstrate their commitment to ESG, and by doing so, it can act as a great competitive advantage. Not only this, but with many industries struggling to find enough candidates to fill job roles, the companies who are opening up their recruitment strategy to the likes of our candidates are in a stronger recruitment position than competitors yet to do so. Read more about how, together with our corporate partners, we are leading a new era in business - click here.

By supporting service users into employment, we’re empowering individuals to rebuild their lives, contribute to the economy, and break the cycle of reoffending. As a result, and alongside our valued corporate partners, we’re creating safer communities, reducing the burden on public resources, and fostering a more sustainable approach to criminal justice.


An Update from Ross!


Generous Donation from the Charles Plater Trust