Sue’s Story


Meet Sue, a former Tempus Novo employee with a personal experience and understanding of the struggles faced by those with a criminal conviction looking for sustainable employment, as Sue herself has served a prison sentence.

“I was only there for 6 months, but the door opened and shut behind me, and I was just abandoned. I was scared to go for a job because I would have to say where I’d been.”

Sue found it so difficult to fit back into normal life and find employment, that - in her words - she spent the first 6-8 weeks wishing she was back in prison.

Thankfully, Sue made the decision to attend a Job Fair that our own caseworker, Fiona, was present at. After sharing her experience with Fiona and her drive, willingness and enthusiasm to work, Sue put herself forward for a role to work internally here at Tempus Novo. She was successful and spent time as a full-time employer with the office team at our HQ. Since then, Sue has progressed onto a role away from Tempus Novo that is more suitable to her circumstances and goals for the future. We wish her all the best!

Sue’s experience showcases the lack of support available to many who finish their prison sentence and need to adjust back into the community. Tempus Novo exists to solve this problem and support ex-offenders who are looking to make a positive change in their life!


Listen to Sue’s Story


Richard’s Story


Dalton’s Story