Chris Gets His Wings ‘Clippered’ and Flies High.

Chris came to TN for support and guidance, having lost hope in gaining full time permanent employment in 2018. He had worked all his life but convictions from offences between 2009-2011 had led to a custodial sentence. On release he was eager to get back to work and earn an honest living, but as often the case, he struggled to find any work at all.

We began our rigorous assessment of Chris at the end of 2018. We found him earnest and willing and in return he embraced everything TN stood for and the advice we offered him. In December he was offered an interview at Clipper, Leeds and we were there to support him on the day. Within 24 hours he was offered the job of Warehouse Operative with feedback from the interview panel that he had made a fantastic impression during his interview and smashed the literacy and numeracy test.

He became a full time employee of Clipper on January 19th 2019 and after only 4 months he was moved to a different department within the company with re-organisation responsibilities. With TN’s support and encouragement, he soon after applied for promotion as a Team Leader, but unfortunately on this occasion wasn’t successful in this application. Undeterred he waited patiently and when the next opportunity came up he applied again. At the end of that year he was promoted to Team Leader and has never looked back!

During his time engaging with TN, Chris has also been a key member of the Service User Involvement Group and attends every meeting giving feedback and advice on how the charity can be improved. He has also volunteered his time to take part in an interview with volunteers and TN case workers, and even to help one individual with their graduation studies.

Chris’ story is a great example of our purpose at TN. His confidence grew, his work ethic and positive attitude never wavered and we were there when he needed us from the beginning. With patience and hard work he was able to full fill his work aspirations, reaping the benefits in other aspects of his life.

Full of gratitude, Chris now enthusiastically contributes loads back to us at TN. A real Win! Win! Win! relationship between employee, employer and TN.


Big Change for a Big Seasonal Purpose


BAM! A Win-Win for Josh and His New Employers.